It is the 3rd of January. The turkey is long gone, mince pies are finished and mulled wine is a thing of the past. For many people starting a new business is top of their New Years resolutions. When I started Need More Time, there were a lot of articles talking about how to structure your business, get an accountant, etc. etc., but not so many on the less formal but equally essential items. So, to help you along the way – here are my top 3 alternative tips to consider for starting up the right way… 1. Research Who are your potential customers? Ideally you should talk to a few and get early feedback on what you are planning. Don’t be afraid to take your idea back to the drawing board if necessary. Any mistakes you make here can be easily fixed. 2. Do you need an office? The cost of an office is one of the largest expenses your business will face. Do without it for as long as you can. I know it is romantic to plumb for a desirable place to work in an exclusive part of town, but in reality unless you are dealing with members of the public or selling something that is prohibitive to move – most clients prefer to meet at their place, negating the cost entirely. 3. Punch above your weight People like dealing with successful people. Companies are no different. However, a successful profile doesn’t necessarily have to cost the earth these days. Using the Internet, Social Media and Virtual Assistant providers (like us) you can build a business image to be proud of. Remember, on the internet no-one knows you’re a dog. So there you have it. If you have a tip please feel free to use the comments below to add yours to the mix. Otherwise have a great January and I’ll see you in Feb. Until the next time Mike.
Michael Bolt